Thats interesting Brad. Thanks. I am curious how you would distinguish between something of timeless significance with variable form, ie footwashing as a vehicle for servanthood, vs a sacrament with a fixed form and meaning, say Communion. The Words of Institution, 'do this in remembrance of me' do not differ greatly from the instructions following the footwashing, 'I have given you an example that you ought to do as I have done' I am a sacramentalist and not a pracricing footwasher but it seems to me that distinguishing between the two might be a non-trivial problem. Does Erickson address this issue?
That’s a great question Jon. As far as I know, that particular issue isn’t addressed, but will examine Erickson’s text to be sure. I guess the difference, in my mind at least, can be gleaned by how the apostles themselves regarded Christ’s words. For instance, comparing Luke 22 and 1 Cor. 11, it’s clear that Paul saw the sacrament of communion as a foundational ordinance of the church. However, comparing John 13 and 1 Pet. 5:5, Peter understood Jesus’s point not as to continue footwashing, but for the church’s primary posture to be one “clothed in humility.” Hope that’s helpful.
Thats interesting Brad. Thanks. I am curious how you would distinguish between something of timeless significance with variable form, ie footwashing as a vehicle for servanthood, vs a sacrament with a fixed form and meaning, say Communion. The Words of Institution, 'do this in remembrance of me' do not differ greatly from the instructions following the footwashing, 'I have given you an example that you ought to do as I have done' I am a sacramentalist and not a pracricing footwasher but it seems to me that distinguishing between the two might be a non-trivial problem. Does Erickson address this issue?
That’s a great question Jon. As far as I know, that particular issue isn’t addressed, but will examine Erickson’s text to be sure. I guess the difference, in my mind at least, can be gleaned by how the apostles themselves regarded Christ’s words. For instance, comparing Luke 22 and 1 Cor. 11, it’s clear that Paul saw the sacrament of communion as a foundational ordinance of the church. However, comparing John 13 and 1 Pet. 5:5, Peter understood Jesus’s point not as to continue footwashing, but for the church’s primary posture to be one “clothed in humility.” Hope that’s helpful.