That's a great list. I have been wanting a new Forde, my previous experiences with him are Where God Meets Man, on the dangers of 'climbing' theology and Theology is for Proclaiming, a book even better than its title, and a huge watershed for me in terms of bringing the Mighty Acts of God directly to needy people, so thanks for recommending Justification by Faith.

I'd like to say something about A Grief Observed, but even thinking about it is like a blow to the gut. Imagining being deprived of my wife in the way that Lewis was, of their suffering together after finding such an unlooked for love late in life, and then being left and the feelings of guilt over being unable to comfort her son and my memory of his journals is still so vivid although it's been probably 8 or 10 years since I read it. A must for anyone who counsels the grieving.

Anyway thanks so much for the list.

*edited because I am dumb

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Jon, thank you for sharing that about your wife and your relation to Lewis's 'A Grief Observed'. That definitely brings some added perspective and weight. After reading it myself, I had the same thought about its relevance and significance for anyone enduring seasons of grief themselves, or counseling someone who is. Forde's writing is always challenging but rewarding. His stubbornness for grace and faith have blessed me immensely over the years. The one you mentioned, 'Theology Is for Proclaiming', is on my list to buy and read for sure.

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Pastor Brad. I’m an old man and an avid reader. I appreciate your recommendations but want to offer the perspective of 78 years. Two truths now dominate my heart and thoughts, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.” “To whom will I have regard, to him who is humble, contrite and who trembles at my word.” I have laid aside books - preferring instead The Book.

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Thank you for your perspective, I do appreciate it. I am thankful for God's continued work on me and in me that constantly drives me to his Word. There is nothing else more needful in our day than more folks who prefer The Book to all else.

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