You can be out in your community and offer up a little taste of what God's grace is like (freely given and cannot be bought or earned at any price) and provide a personal invite to everyone through PACK (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness). It is easy & fun for all ages. Who can resist a free helpful service or practical gift, not many, especially when done with a warm inviting smile! A perfect time to share your little Connect Card with them that lets them know that this unusually refreshing experience is from the Lord! Jesus is the true source of our joy, peace & hope! On the back is your invite. Let them know what you have to offer them in service to the Lord! PACK is free to all and now at work in 115 countries. No donations, just go to and put the PACK program to good use in your community! God bless.
You can be out in your community and offer up a little taste of what God's grace is like (freely given and cannot be bought or earned at any price) and provide a personal invite to everyone through PACK (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness). It is easy & fun for all ages. Who can resist a free helpful service or practical gift, not many, especially when done with a warm inviting smile! A perfect time to share your little Connect Card with them that lets them know that this unusually refreshing experience is from the Lord! Jesus is the true source of our joy, peace & hope! On the back is your invite. Let them know what you have to offer them in service to the Lord! PACK is free to all and now at work in 115 countries. No donations, just go to and put the PACK program to good use in your community! God bless.