Several times on this blog I have contended for the Christo-centricity of Scripture through the redemptive-narrative proclamation of the Word. That is, preaching the gospel through the unfurling history of grace. That theme persists as, perhaps, the most critical component of my ministry. In every venue in which the Word is opened, my singular aim is to present to the listeners Jesus’s sufficiency in and for all things. My endeavor has been (and will continue to be) to show how Jesus himself is the thread of the Scriptures — not the amplification of one’s morals or ethics or anything of the sort. To be sure, the Bible contains morals and ethics and do’s and don’ts, with which we must all come to grips. But the overriding message of the Bible is not a moral, ethical, or even obediential one — it is a revelatory one. “The Bible is not first a recipe book for Christian living,” Tullian Tchividjian writes, “but a revelation book of Jesus who is the answer to our un-Christian living.”
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On the Christo-centricity of Scripture.
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Several times on this blog I have contended for the Christo-centricity of Scripture through the redemptive-narrative proclamation of the Word. That is, preaching the gospel through the unfurling history of grace. That theme persists as, perhaps, the most critical component of my ministry. In every venue in which the Word is opened, my singular aim is to present to the listeners Jesus’s sufficiency in and for all things. My endeavor has been (and will continue to be) to show how Jesus himself is the thread of the Scriptures — not the amplification of one’s morals or ethics or anything of the sort. To be sure, the Bible contains morals and ethics and do’s and don’ts, with which we must all come to grips. But the overriding message of the Bible is not a moral, ethical, or even obediential one — it is a revelatory one. “The Bible is not first a recipe book for Christian living,” Tullian Tchividjian writes, “but a revelation book of Jesus who is the answer to our un-Christian living.”