Of all the books of the Bible, in either testament, Isaiah’s prophecy remains paramount for one’s understanding of the kerygma of Scripture. This is due in large part because of the preponderance of New Testament (NT) citations of Isaiah’s oracles. Indeed, B. H. Lim asserts that “with some six hundred instances of quotations, paraphrases, illusions or echoes, Isaiah is the single most referenced work in the NT.”
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Isaiah’s messianic insistence.
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Of all the books of the Bible, in either testament, Isaiah’s prophecy remains paramount for one’s understanding of the kerygma of Scripture. This is due in large part because of the preponderance of New Testament (NT) citations of Isaiah’s oracles. Indeed, B. H. Lim asserts that “with some six hundred instances of quotations, paraphrases, illusions or echoes, Isaiah is the single most referenced work in the NT.”