As a Baptist, how did you come to be so interested in Luther’s theology?

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Great question, Amy. I grew up in an area of the country that was often referred to as "The Buckle of the Bible Belt" — meaning, the church wasn't just a place I went to every Sunday, it felt part of my DNA. And yet, even after all those years of going to church, being at church, and being around church folk, it wasn't until I discovered the bits of Martin Luther's story that preluded the Reformation that my faith felt alive. I cling to the doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone because, without it, I'm a dead man. It just so happens that Luther is often found articulating in his writings what is my only lifeline.

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Thanks for sharing! I ask because we are two of the few non-Lutherans who write for 1517. : ) Even though I have a couple areas of disagreement with the Book of Concord, I have connected strongly with Luther's personal testimony and his theological writings, as you have. So, when I see people who are big Luther fans but not Lutherans, I am just curious as to how they connected with that, since the totality of Luther's theology is not often mentioned in broadly evangelical churches.

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