In this edition of the Ministry Minded Podcast, you’re welcomed back to “Pastor Brad’s Corner” as I reflect on last weekend’s ordination service for my friend Caleb and the significance of that moment in light of what he and his family have endured the last few years. I chew on some thoughts relating to the subject of suffering and also talk about the movie ‘Tenet’.
First Baptist Church of Colchester, Illinois
Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers, Dane Ortlund
The Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude Preached and Explained, Martin Luther
“Tenet’s Providential Time Warp,” Ryan Guerra
“‘Tenet’ Inverts Transcendence, Folds It Back into Immanence, Brett McCracken
Grace: So Much More Than You Know and So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
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Intro music: “Explorers (Instrumental Version)” by The Midnight, The Midnight Music LLC, 2018.
Ad music: “Coffee Stains” by Finley, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
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