It is fascinating to read the stories of medical marvels and miraculous incidences of “coincidental” healings that baffle physicians, leaving logic in the dust. Perusing historical reports reveals case after case of uncanny recoveries that go against science and common reasoning. You might even say, they’re supernatural. I think occurrences such as these are God’s way of displaying more of his infinite goodness and power over all creation. Sometimes, the Great Physician steps in to tend to our ailments, whether we ask him to or not.
The common grace of God is surely seen in these miracles of medicine, and acknowledging that they, indeed, are acts of God concedes the point that he is there and is active and aware of our lives. Therefore, not much credit is often attributed to God; rather, they’re chalked up as miracles of science or happy coincidences that fate has allowed to go your way. Such attribution is false. It’s not mere happenstance that your aunt just recovered from breast cancer, or that your prematurely born daughter survived after being born two months early, or that the head-on collision you just suffered left you without a perceptible scar. These are miracles of grace, marvels of God’s incredible mercy and patience with such stubborn-headed sinners as we are.
It’s no less miraculous, though, what God has done in our hearts. The salvation of wretched sinners is a bona fide miracle, a marvel worthy of our awe and praise throughout eternity. And what’s even more amazing is that God dispenses this miracle to whoever believes, regardless of how big or strong their belief is. I’ll let Paul Dunk explain:
God has already done the miraculous and the miraculous gives us faith to believe this promise: our death will meet its death because by his stripes, we are healed. We do not have a stingy, reluctant God who surveys his church and sparingly heals this one but not that one on the basis of their strong faith. We have a gracious God who has given an eternal promise to everyone in Christ — even those with little faith. The strong in faith and the weak in faith get the same, strong Christ. Our prayers are not directed toward an indifferent God who needs a little more convincing before he hands over your healing. Prayer brings us to peaceful rest in the sovereignty of a loving God who, through Christ, has already secured our ultimate healing.
By Jesus’s death on the cross, our healing was secured, and our own miracle of grace was established. Through the griefs borne, the sorrows carried, and the wrath endured, Christ bought our marvelous redemption, ensuring that all who believe will receive more than ample saving. And this saving doesn’t rest on the amount of faith you have — it rests on the strength of Christ, and he’s omnipotent, all-powerful. Even minuscule faith grants you marvelous grace. That’s what Jesus meant when he talked about faith “like a grain of mustard seed” (Matt. 17:20). It’s not that you’re so mighty and strong that you can lay hold of Christ, rather, Christ has you, in the palm of his hand, and he’s never letting go. Or as Dan Price once said, “A mustard seed of faith can move a mountain of sin and cast it into the sea of forgetfulness.”
The same strong Savior meets all sordid, paltry sinners with the same miraculous grace. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” (Eph. 1:7). The grace that heals, revives, and resurrects dead hearts and lifeless souls. All sin-sick beggars can find stores of forgiveness and a wealth of mercy that breathes life into cursed corpses.