In this edition of the Ministry Minded Podcast, I welcome you back to “the corner” to reflect on two sermons I delivered, one from Mark 14 and another from Acts 13, both of which show, in their own way, what the new covenant blood of Christ does in and through the lives of sinners.
The Story of Grace, Horatius Bonar
The Everlasting Righteousness, Horatius Bonar
“Good News from a Far Country: Learning the Gospel from a Nineteenth Century Scotsman,” John Biegel
“Sour grapes and stale crackers,” article by yours truly
Grace: So Much More Than You Know and So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
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Ad music: “Coffee Stains” by Finley, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Intro music: “West Coast” by Ryan Little, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
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