You can now pre-order my new book!
My new book ‘Finding God in the Darkness’ will be released in July, but pre-orders are now available.
I am so excited to announce that my book, Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment, is now available for pre-order! We’re in the home stretch now, with July just around the corner. The fine folks at 1517 Publishing and I have been hard at work putting the finishing touches on the book, from polishing the final copy to perfecting the cover design to contacting endorsers. Here’s one of the several kind endorsements I received for the book. Dr. Jason G. Duesing, Provost of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Mere Hope: Life in an Age of Cynicism, had this to say:
This is a beautiful book. Brad Gray has a story to tell that I hope will gain a wide reading not only because Finding God in the Darkness is well written and a blessing to read but also because of how it points, with hope, to a big God and the certainty we can have in his care for his children through suffering — even when there is fog and mystery and, especially, pain. God’s beauty and strength nourishes the reader, here, on every page.
I will be sharing more insights and reactions from the book, along with an excerpt from the foreword by 1517’s own Chad Bird, in the days ahead. I cannot wait for you to get your hands on the book. Finding God in the Darkness is a deeply personal book in which I work through some of my own seasons of disappointment and struggles with depression.
Our lives are often filled with tragedy and trouble, which make the world seem impossibly dark. With so much suffering and sorrow all around us, we can easily become unnerved and exhausted by a seeming onslaught of bad news that works us over and wears us down. To make matters worse, every avenue by which we attempt to unravel this tangled mess of suffering often leaves us confused and frustrated, short on answers, and even shorter on hope. It is the apparent hopelessness of suffering that many times leaves us in a pit of despair, disappointment, and even depression.
Finding hope in such times, let alone finding God, might sound like an absurd idea. But, paradoxically, that’s precisely where God is found: in the darkness. God often shows up right in the middle of the fractured and frayed edges of life. That’s what Finding God in the Darkness is all about. It’s about meeting the God who meets us — who’s with us — in suffering and sorrow.
If any of those topics resonate with you, you might think about pre-ordering my book. I pray you are able to find some consolation as you read it.
Grace and peace to you, my friends.