In this edition of Ministry Minded, I was honored to speak with Dan Price. Dan’s an ardent grace addict, like myself, and I so appreciate his ministry through the Christ Hold Fast organization. In this lengthy conversation, we dive into the good news of the gospel and what it really means.
Dan is the lead pastor of Trinity Church NWA in Bentonville, Arkansas, and is also a speaker and author for Christ Hold Fast.
Home: How Heaven and the New Earth Satisfy Our Deepest Longings, Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Self-Donation of God: A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Christ and His Benefits, Jack Kilcrease
Commentary on Galatians, Martin Luther
Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis
The Genius of Luther’s Theology: A Wittenberg Way of Thinking for the Contemporary Church, Robert Kolb
On the Freedom of a Christian, Martin Luther
The Spirituality of the Cross, Gene Edward Veith
On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation, Gerhard Forde
Where God Meets Man, Gerhard Forde
Grace: So Much More Than You Know and So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
This episode is brought to you by the Christian Standard Bible. Find out more by going to
Intro music: “West Coast” by Ryan Little, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
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