In this edition of the Ministry Minded Podcast, you’re invited to “Pastor Brad’s Corner” as I reflect on the unexpected good news of the cross as it is found in the Gospel of Mark, as well as an unlikely portion of Scripture to find God’s faithfulness.
“The Folly of the Cross in Our Divided World,” Todd Brewer
“The purpose of the cross,” article by yours truly
The Gospel According to St. Mark: Chapters IX to XVI, Alexander Maclaren
“A résumé of faithfulness,” sermon by yours truly
Grace: So Much More Than You Know and So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
Ministry Minded is sponsored by Fresh Roasted Coffee, a locally owned and operated coffee house in the heart of Central Pennsylvania that produces the freshest coffee and delivers it at peak drinkability. Use offer code “GRACE10” at checkout to get a discount on your next order. Buy some coffee!
Intro music: “West Coast” by Ryan Little, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
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