In this edition of the Ministry Minded Podcast, I share some updates on the podcast itself as well as talk through this past week’s sermons and why Psalm 131 constitutes, perhaps, the best picture of what it means to live the life of faith. I also get the thrill of sharing another conversation between myself and my dad, as he and I reflect on the past year of pastoral ministry and the unique challenges it presented.
Mike Gray is the senior pastor of Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Taylors, South Carolina, where he has been serving the Lord faithfully for over 20 years with his wife and family.
The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts, Dale Ralph Davis
“Church Membership: Loving What Jesus Loves,” David Prince
“Church Membership 101,” Jon English Lee
“11 Weak Reasons to Leave a Church,” Chuck Lawless
“Why the Way You Leave a Church is More Important than How You Came,” Chuck Lawless
Daily Grace: The Mockingbird Devotional, Vol. 2
Grace: So Much More Than You Know and So Much Better Than You Think, Brad J. Gray
Ministry Minded is sponsored by Fresh Roasted Coffee, a locally owned and operated coffee house in the heart of Central Pennsylvania that produces the freshest coffee and delivers it at peak drinkability. Use offer code “GRACE10” at checkout to get a discount on your next order. Buy some coffee!
Intro music: “Explorers (Instrumental Version)” by The Midnight, The Midnight Music LLC, 2018.
Ad music: “Coffee Stains” by Finley, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
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